September Newsletter

Posted on Sep 16, 2021 in Main, Newsletters


We will not be upgrading to this version of WordPress just yet. We need your help. We need to identify which sites are using Widgets; widgets are usually found in the left or right of a page providing navigation, links, and project information. WordPress 5.8.1 uses the block editor for WordPress widget editing. To enable the old look widget editor would would have to add Classic Widgets; similar to the use of Classic Editor for pages and posts. The new version of WordPress will also remove Widget Logic. Widget Logic is a plugin which allows you to use simple parameters to add widgets to certain pages or groups of pages in your site.

We use a widget to show the most current posts on the following page in this site.

Widget Example

Once we have an inventory of widget use on your website,  we can schedule your WordPress 5.8.1 update.


Please help us inventory your plugins. If you are not using a plugin, please request for the plugin to be deactivated. Please also note if you have more than one plugin doing the same function. Please choose the the plugin you would like to keep using and inform us to delete the other plugin.


If you  have a development web site, please take the time to fill out our development web site form.